
Microsoft authorized refurbisher

When you purchase IT equipment or licenses from Inrego, you will be assigned a personal contact who will assist you with any questions you may have. As a result, instead of being sent to multiple locations within the organization, you receive a complete computer with the license you desire pre-installed at the time of delivery.

License Types

Microsoft Windows 10 Home
Windows 10 Home is designed for people who use their computers to things like surf the web, pay bills, check emails, and watch videos. Home has a wide range of apps and services for entertainment, productivity, and security.

Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Small to medium-sized businesses with little or no technical help will benefit from Windows 10 Pro. You get better security protection and device control with Pro.

Windows 10 Pro additionally includes the following features:

  • Support for cloud security

  • Improved productivity features and apps

  • Remote access to a device

  • Additional data security

  • Connection to a workplace or school network

Microsoft Windows 10 Citizenship
Citizenship is a license for educational institutions, such as schools, colleges, and universities. It's essentially the same as Windows 10 Pro, but at a cheaper cost. If you require further documents, you can purchase 200 licenses per month with the presentation of an agreement with the school.